Safety Tips for Running with the Bulls in Spain

Running with the bulls in Spain is an exhilarating experience that attracts thousands of people every year. 

The San Fermin Festival in Pamplona is the most famous bull run in the world and has been celebrated for over 400 years. 

The event takes place in July, and it is a thrilling, but also dangerous experience that requires preparation and caution. 

In this article, we will provide you with safety tips for running with the bulls in Spain, so you can enjoy this tradition safely.

Running with the bulls in Spain is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that requires careful planning and preparation to avoid the potential risks. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure a safe and unforgettable experience.


The San Fermin Festival is a week-long event in Pamplona, Spain, that starts on July 6th and ends on July 14th. 

During the festival, there are daily bull runs that attract thousands of participants from all over the world. 

The bull run consists of a herd of bulls running through the streets of Pamplona, while participants run in front of them towards the bullring.

While running with the bulls can be a thrilling experience, it is important to remember that it is also a dangerous one. 

Every year, several people are injured during the bull run, and in some cases, fatalities have occurred. 

Therefore, it is essential to prepare carefully and follow safety guidelines to minimize the risks.

Safety Tips for Running with the Bulls in Spain

Essential Safety Tips for Running with the Bulls in Spain

Know the route and the terrain

Before running with the bulls, it is important to study the route and the terrain thoroughly. 

The bull run in Pamplona is 875 meters long and includes narrow streets, sharp turns, and steep slopes. 

Knowing the route will help you avoid obstacles and potential hazards, such as loose cobblestones and slippery surfaces.

Dress appropriately

Wearing the right clothing is crucial when running with the bulls.

It is recommended to wear a white shirt and trousers, a red handkerchief around your neck, and comfortable running shoes with good grip. 

Avoid wearing loose clothing or anything that can get caught on a fence or another runner.

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Don’t drink alcohol

Drinking alcohol before or during the bull run is not advisable – it is also against the official safety rules.

Alcohol impairs judgment and reaction time, making it more difficult to avoid the bulls and other hazards.

Be in good physical condition

Running with the bulls is a physically demanding activity that requires good cardiovascular endurance and agility. 

It is essential to train regularly and be in good physical condition before attempting to run with the bulls.

Stay focused and alert

During the bull run, it is important to stay focused and alert at all times. 

Keep your eyes on the bulls and the terrain ahead, and be aware of other runners around you. 

Avoid using mobile phones or other distractions that can divert your attention.

Additional Safety Tips for Running with the Bulls in Spain

Don’t stop or turn back

If you find yourself in front of the bulls, do not stop or turn back. 

Bulls can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour, and they can change direction quickly.

Running in a straight line towards the bullring is the safest option.

Stay close to the walls

When running with the bulls, it is recommended to stay close to the walls or barricades. 

This will give you some protection from the bulls and other runners, and will also help you avoid getting trapped in the middle of the pack.

Watch out for the end of the run

The end of the bull run is often the most dangerous part. Bulls can become disoriented and agitated, and there is a risk of pile-ups and stampedes.

It is important to stay focused and keep moving towards the bullring until you reach safety.

Follow the instructions of the officials

During the bull run, there are officials who supervise the event and provide guidance to the runners. 

It is important to follow their instructions and not to ignore any warnings or signals. They are there to help ensure the safety of all participants.

Have an escape plan

It is important to have an escape plan in case of an emergency. Identify the nearest exit points and make sure you know how to reach them. 

If you feel overwhelmed or in danger, seek shelter in a doorway or climb over the barricades to safety.

At a glance – the safety basics

• Know the route and terrain of the bull run

• Dress appropriately in a white shirt and trousers with a red handkerchief around your neck, and comfortable running shoes

• Avoid drinking alcohol before or during the bull run

• Be in good physical condition before attempting to run with the bulls

• Stay focused and alert during the bull run by keeping your eyes on the bulls and terrain ahead and avoiding distractions

• Don’t stop or turn back if you find yourself in front of the bulls

• Stay close to walls or barricades for protection from other runners or bulls

• Watch out for the end of the run which can be dangerous due to pile-ups and stampedes

• Follow instructions of officials supervising during event

• Have an escape plan in case of emergency

Conclusion and final thoughts

Running with the bulls in Spain can be a thrilling and unforgettable experience, but it is important to remember that it is also a dangerous one.

By following these safety tips, you can minimize the risks and enjoy the tradition safely.

Remember to study the route, dress appropriately, avoid alcohol, be in good physical condition, stay focused and alert, stay close to the walls, watch out for the end of the run, follow the instructions of the officials, and have an escape plan.

With careful preparation and caution, you can have a safe and memorable experience running with the bulls in Spain.

By Steve

Spain is one of my favourite places to visit. The weather, the food, people and way of life make it a great place to visit.